09 February 2009

Lip mutations vis-a-vis collagen injections

I am a closet fan of Alison Krauss....o.k., guess that's no longer a 'closet' secret. So, I'm like an old school fan. So, I see her on the Grammy's last night with Robert Plant and I think she has been abducted by aliens. This is not the same person. The old-school Alison Krauss was like a 'Rachel Ray' sort of gal. Always smiling...

And then she became a little more serious. She got back into the "Union Station" sort of albums, did a few more records with them where every other song on the album was backwoods bluegrass. Not my favorite but hey, that girl can fiddle like nobody's business. This is from a cover the 'turn of the century' Alison (2001). Almost 'Shawn Colvin-esque', minus the pills.

But the, last night, a more personality-less, but attractive, version of Ms. Krauss came up on stage to accept her award with Robert Plant. Only, he did all the speaking. I'm not sure why she didn't say a peep. I'm thinking she'd had some collagen injections that day and maybe her lips were still numb. But this new look? I don't think I approve! I want the old Alison back. The Robert Plant thing is a nice gig and all and it'll make her a lot of money but c'mon Alison, get back to playing the fiddle. Let Mr. Crunchy hair (sorry Zeplin fans) go back to his bong, his 'lady' and his house on Big Sir. Nashville's calling you, girl...

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