30 September 2008

Street cred

You know how Sarah Palin lists Alaska's proximity to Russia as legitimate 'foreign policy experience'? It just occurred to me: my sister lives near a hospital. She could be a cardio-thoracic surgeon. So I shared this with Sasha and she has declared herself a golf pro because we live near a golf course. It's all about job creation...and such. Especially, and. 

27 September 2008

The beauty of having a blogging partner

I wouldn't know. I feel like I'm all alone in this blogging universe.

25 September 2008

Does not play well with scissors

Sofie (my imaginary, 9 yr. old daughter) has been going through a difficult time. In the last 3-4 years, she had developed terrible underbite. Our fabulous oral surgeon, Dr. Levi Mason surgically corrected her underbite last year. Little Sofie is looking so much better and her self-confidence is growing. There's still one hitch;  she still has to wear a headpiece that connects to her braces for at least 14 hours a day. The headpiece doesn't lend itself to a thriving social life so she's spending most afternoons and evenings at home, cooped up in her room. My biggest concern about her recent 'hermit' behavior is that she's been hiding stockpiling sharp objects in her bedroom. While tidying up her room, I have found x-acto knives, my shower razor, steak knives and my best kitchen shears. It may be time for Sofie to start talking to a therapist. 

23 September 2008

I swore I would not keep talking about her

And I won't even mention her name. But this guy did not take such an oath. And he's my new BFF.

Sometimes sticky rice tastes like a little bite of heaven

Someday I will write a song about my love for sticky rice and I will share it with the world. 

For now, a haiku;

Sticky rice
compacted glutenous clumps
chewy and comforting

21 September 2008

Things that make me laugh, otherwise, I might cry.

I ran a buttload of errands this weekend; pharmacy, windshield repair shop, liquor store, Big Lots (plus a bonus visit to Thrift Town and Family Dollar). You're jealous, admit it. I'd like to think that, due to my efforts,  I was rewarded with an afternoon of delightful people watching. Just for you,  I have recapped some highlights.
  1. Croakies.  I defy you to find a woman wearing sporty Croakies who has never been to an Indigo Girls concert.
  2. Rascal scooters, or its' competitor, the Jazzy
  3. A teenage hillbilly girl (at Family Dollar) wearing pajama bottoms that were about 4 inches too long and BARE FEET. Imagine what your feet would look like if you walked through downtown Ogden during the street festival in bare feet. Then, you poured Coca-Cola all over your feet. Then, went to the rodeo (still in bare feet). That's about what her feet looked like. I'm a bit of a germa-phobe (gross understatement) so that was really disturbing for me.
  4. A lesbian who adorned her purse (petite Timbuk2 messenger bag) with a Jackie Biskupski bumper sticker. Yay for gay!
  5. A used shower chair at Thrift Town. Slightly discolored, with a bit of rust. I couldn't see a price tag but I was tempted to make a cash offer.
C'est tout!

13 September 2008

School Dayze

So, I've been off to a slow start on this new blogging thing. I've been begging Sasha to build me a website or a myspace page or something to make me feel a little more important. She did it and then I became sort of gun shy. Truth is, between getting the kids ready for the new school year and keeping up with the political hullabaloo, I can barely see straight. Sasha started a new job so she hasn't had the energy to be very helpful around the house. It's 3:04 pm, Saturday afternoon she and JD are asleep. The garbage needed to be taken out 2 days ago. The bedsheets, damp from sleep sweat, JD drool and dotted with crusty Sasha nose goblins, could use a run through the washing machine. They stand in line behind 3 other loads of laundry. The kids are at the zoo with a friend's family and I'm watching Hurricane Ike coverage as if it's a movie of the week.

I need to rant for a minute about some things that just aren't right with the world;
  • Sarah Palin. Is this all just a rotten nightmare or is there really a possibility that she could be running our country soon? I know, she's only running for Veep but we all know McCain is about to go to the glue factory.  
Please make no haste and go to http://womenagainstsarahpalin.blogspot.com
  • The Pope. Why is he telling French Catholics not to be afraid? Of course they don't have to be afraid; they don't live in the United States.
And things that just aren't right in my world;
  • Kristof's teacher thinks he has an 'attention problem'  (read: she doesn't understand his brilliance). I'm quite sure she's misinterpreting his lazy eye as a sign that he's daydreaming. He's simply bored. 
  • Chronic urticara. It is both chronic and a mystery. 
  • I attended the funeral yesterday of a good friend and a fine man. I will miss him. 
On that note, it's time to add some Malibu Rum to my coffee. You got a better idea? Bring it.
