13 September 2008

School Dayze

So, I've been off to a slow start on this new blogging thing. I've been begging Sasha to build me a website or a myspace page or something to make me feel a little more important. She did it and then I became sort of gun shy. Truth is, between getting the kids ready for the new school year and keeping up with the political hullabaloo, I can barely see straight. Sasha started a new job so she hasn't had the energy to be very helpful around the house. It's 3:04 pm, Saturday afternoon she and JD are asleep. The garbage needed to be taken out 2 days ago. The bedsheets, damp from sleep sweat, JD drool and dotted with crusty Sasha nose goblins, could use a run through the washing machine. They stand in line behind 3 other loads of laundry. The kids are at the zoo with a friend's family and I'm watching Hurricane Ike coverage as if it's a movie of the week.

I need to rant for a minute about some things that just aren't right with the world;
  • Sarah Palin. Is this all just a rotten nightmare or is there really a possibility that she could be running our country soon? I know, she's only running for Veep but we all know McCain is about to go to the glue factory.  
Please make no haste and go to http://womenagainstsarahpalin.blogspot.com
  • The Pope. Why is he telling French Catholics not to be afraid? Of course they don't have to be afraid; they don't live in the United States.
And things that just aren't right in my world;
  • Kristof's teacher thinks he has an 'attention problem'  (read: she doesn't understand his brilliance). I'm quite sure she's misinterpreting his lazy eye as a sign that he's daydreaming. He's simply bored. 
  • Chronic urticara. It is both chronic and a mystery. 
  • I attended the funeral yesterday of a good friend and a fine man. I will miss him. 
On that note, it's time to add some Malibu Rum to my coffee. You got a better idea? Bring it.

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