29 November 2008

Not music to my ears

I have a bit of a problem I'll call, 'blog-lurking'. And since I'm lurking, I don't necessarily have a right to this complaint but I'll say it anyway;  STOP MAKING ME LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC when I click on to your blog. Allow me to expand;  1). I startle easily so the unexpected noise (what you call, 'music') catches me off guard. 2). Nobody clicks on your blog to hear what's playing on your little poor-ass quality playlist.com pop-out music player.  3). When I want to listen to music, I listen to my music.  4). Keep you and your significant other's song to yourself. It's more special that way. 

On the family front, we found out this week that Sofie has to get glasses. Between the jaw brace / headpiece contraption and glasses, I don't think I need to worry too much about boys being interested in her. On a better note, she likes her new therapist and her psych doc thinks we have found just the right combination of meds. I'm not so sure. Kristof - as always - is a joy to have around. He's thrilled with the political direction in which our country is heading. He is still responsibly carrying out his paper route duties. He's just a great kid. We're so fortunate.

Sasha and I plan to take JD on a bird-watching jaunt later today provided it doesn't rain. I'm hoping to find a Northern Flicker. I got a long-distance photo of a Rock Pigeon last week and counted about 78 seagulls, 15 pigeons and a dead house finch near the side of the road. You never know where nature will show up. While at the Taco Bell drive through 2 weeks ago, I saw 17 geese flying in V-formation overhead.  

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