08 December 2008

We Built this Citi

Dear American Taxpayer,

Maybe it's just me but this has my dander up. I just heard the Rose Bowl is being sponsored by Citigroup. Er, what's that you ask? Why yes, that is the same company that received part of the $25 billion bailout. How astute of you to notice. Yes, I too, am wondering whose large arse they are pulling this money out of.  Oh, yes, that's right, they're pulling it out of our arses. If you want to be more pissed off, check out where Citi is going to spend $400 million over the next 20 years.  At the risk of sounding oversensitive and empathic, defending Citi's sponsorship, Mets CEO Jeff Wilson stated, "I understand that there is some upsetness (sic) in the marketplace, but we don't agree with it." 


This is o.k. with everyone?  

1 comment:

Jane said...

Wow. That is not OK. Somehow, I don't think advertising at the Rose Bowl is going to do much for Citigroup.
