28 January 2009

Hey Governments!

I have an idea to reduce global economic problems. Each government should print more money and give it to the people. If people have more money, they will buy things (aiding retailers) and/or pay down debt (aiding banks/credit card companies). I know what you're thinking....if more money is printed, the value of the dollar goes down. That is why I'm suggesting that all governments (except perhaps in communist nations) print more money, say, 10% more money than is currently in circulation. Then, it really doesn't matter that the dollar goes down because the value of each country's monetary unit will have gone down equally. Then, once all the money gets redistributed back into the hands of the wealthy, do the same thing again (o.k. that's the part where I'm joking).

Yes, it's that simple. Don't try and make it all complicated and listen to Nobel prize winning economists, or go all 'Economics 101' on me. It could work. What have we to lose?

1 comment:

sasha said...

What a beautiful idea! I'm left with tears in my eyes, streaming down my face, and mixing with newly formed snot bubbles from my nose. Mmmmmm...
